Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sometimes I wonder...

Big brother watching you surf?
Are our rights being violated by the proposed bill in the article above?
Will this bill actually help to achieve the resolution desired?
I think this is an invasion of our privacy as Canadian citizens, and will not help achieve the resolutions desired.

Other comments?
Support efforts to Save The Trillium
JUNE 28th, 2006
You may have read news reports in the last few days about how Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals have re drawn Ontario's Trillium symbol to more closely resemble the Liberal Party Logo.

We believe this is unacceptable. Ontario's Trillium has become a symbol of hope and opportunity for all of us. It's been used for more than 40 years no matter which political party was in office.

Instead of focusing on running the province, Dalton McGuinty is spending taxpayer's dollars (more than $200 000) and given the work to a Liberal- friendly ad agency to play around with Ontario's symbol. We've heard from many of you who are outraged by this.

So today a new campaign was launched. The site is designed to help engage Ontarians in our campaign to save the Trillium.
We need your help today to further inform the broader public on what Dalton McGuinty is doing to our provincial symbol. Please log on to the site and and help us reach out to more people with our concerns about McGuinty's plans to politicize Ontario's Trillium.

What do others think of this? Are the Liberals politicizing the trillium?
Their Hands Aren't So Clean

Conservatives May have taken close to $2 million in illegal contributions

They preach of transparent government, but censor the media. They preach of ethics, but "did not know" that they should consider convention fees to be donations.

Normally these convention fees are considered donations by parties to help offset the cost for those that attend. Politics can be expensive, and it is these tax receipts that help to relieve some of the burden.

With a maximum of $1000 donation to polictal parties, this convention may have put many members of the CPC over their limit.

Perhaps convention fees need not be considered donations under the law, and if this is the case than these convention fees were probably not illlegally obtained. Unforunately, I do not know the requirements of the law.

Other thoughts?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

It's been awhile...

The following may not make sense, may not be viable, and the author is prepared to take criticism. Try not to be too hard on me, this is my first attempt at trying to find a solution to any problem.

The following is a proposed policy alternative to the current PC Policy of dealing with student debt. I believe this plan is more in tune with our Aims & Principles as a party, and helps promote personal responsibility more than the previous plan. Comments are welcomed.

1. Enact a new Education Savings Plan (ESP) similar to CPP (without the employer contribution). This plan will allow employees to contribute a percentage of their wages to put forth to their children’s post-secondary education, deducted from each paycheque. This plan will be accessible to self-employed persons as well.
2. This ESP would be similar to the current RESP with high interest rates and additional funds contributed to the savings plan by the government. We will base the government funds contributed based on need. The less you are able to contribute (based on % of wage), the more the government will help subsidize.
3. Given that this plan promotes long-term savings and will not help those who have children approaching secondary school, we will allow for an ESP loan for children born prior to 2000, provided that the parent aggress to guarantee this loan and either the parent or student agree to contribute a set amount to the ESP for a set number of years.
4. We will also work with the provinces to allow those in more unfortunate situations to be provided with the opportunity to send their children through post-secondary education programs. In many provincial programs, such as Ontario Works and Ontario Disability, children who have reached the age of 18 are left behind, with no guarantors to even be given the opportunity to access a student loan. We cannot allow these young adults to lose their future because of the unfortunate position their parent/parents were in. We should work with provinces to enact a program as part of Provincial Social Assistance that would fully fund these student's education.
5. Should an ESP holder pursue work in the trades, these funds would be made available for vocational training, purchasing of tools, other certifications, etc.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Media Advisory ­
Founding Meeting Prince Edward Hastings

Bancroft, ON- The Prince Edward Hastings Progressive Canadian Association would like to invite all media to a founding meeting on Saturday, June 17th at 1:30. Location is at the lower level of 1 Woodview Lane, in the town of Bancroft, Ontario. Keynote speaker for the event will be Tracy Parsons, Leader of the Progressive Canadian Party. Miss Parsons will be available for questions after the meeting.

Thomas Beeston, organizer of this event stated, "I am very excited to have our leader attend this meeting. When I extended the invitation, I really didn’t think she’d be able to come. She has certainly shown her commitment to all areas of Canada by flying in from Nova Scotia to attend this meetingto meet local members of the party and those who want to learn more about the PC Party."

The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive Conservative Party.

For more information on the PC Party, its policies, structure or general information, go to or call 866-812-6972.


For further information contact:
Jim Love
National Campaign Manager
(647) 403-5519

Thomas Beeston
(613) 332-2487

PRESS RELEASE Equity demands funding flow from votes cast.

Toronto, ON – Commencing January 1, 2004, some registered political parties annually receive $1.75 for each vote that the party obtained in the most recent previous federal election, others do not.

Neither the Harper government or the Martin government before it have adopted the view that the funding ought to flow from the votes cast and have instead set their own arbitrary percentage – one that ensures that their parties will continue to receive funding.

The following action will proceed in Ontario SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE June 20th and 21st, starting at 10 a.m. at 361 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario:

This application concerns the extent to which Parliament can constitutionally restrict the ability of candidates and supporters of small political parties to participate in federal elections. The Canada Elections Act was recently amended so that, commencing January 1, 2004, registered political parties annually receive $1.75 for each vote that the party obtained in the most recent previous federal election. However, this allowance is restricted to those parties that obtained at least 2% of the national vote or at least 5% of the vote in those ridings in which they ran candidates. The Applicants are political parties (and members of political parties) that failed to meet this threshold and thus were denied funding. It is the Applicants’ position that denying funding on that basis contravenes the principles of fairness and relative voter parity that are inherent in section 3 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is also submitted that denying this benefit to supporters of small parties infringes the freedoms guaranteed by sections 2(b), 2(d) and 15(1) of the Charter.

In order that those within the media unable to attend the proceedings be aware of the arguments presented the FACTUM OF THE APPLICANTS is attached.

"As matters presently stand there is a gross inequity favouring parties established prior to government funding being introduced. Only by funding flowing on the basis of individual voter's preference as expressed through casting a ballot can this be redressed." stated Jim Love, President of the Progressive Canadian Party.

The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive Conservative Party. For more information on the PC Party, it’s policies, structure or general information, go to or call 866-812-6972.

For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Jim Love
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (647) 403-5519

Sunday, June 11, 2006

PC PRESS RELEASE: What's the rush?


Toronto, ON-- Only one reason exists for the Government of Canada bullying those concerned about the terms of the Canada-United States Agreement on Softwood Lumber. Prime Minister Harper wants to have it ready to be signed when he meets with President Bush early in July. That strategy has two benefits. The first is that it prevents concerned Canadians from making the case to the Canadian public that this is a bad deal. Mr. Harper does not want Canadians to realize that this new agreement gives us less than we have already won under existing agreements and dispute mechanisms. The second reason for speedy passage is that it keeps this issue out of the U.S. mid-termelections and prevents U.S. consumers from realizing it is a bad deal for them as well – adding as much as $1,000 to the price of a new home.

All prior NAFTA panels have ruled that claims of subsidies are unsubstantiated. Yet this new agreement not only gives up these prior judicial victories, but it also requires a complete surrender of Canadian sovereignty in the area of forestry management. Despite their constitutional rights, Provinces cannot implement any new forestry management practices without permission from Washington, "the anti-circumvention clause". Further, the deal is also predicated on U.S. approval of new and as of yet unspecified practices which will also require U.S. approval. In short, we have won nothing and paid dearly.

Coast Forest Products Association Rick Jeffrey was absolutely correct in stating "We think that it's better for us to go slower and either reconvene Parliament . . . and get a good deal rather than rushing through the agreement and getting a bad deal,"

How will the Prime Minister react should some of the lawsuits launched to protect producers interests are not withdrawn? Presumably he will follow the same strategy that has mired Canadians in Afghanistan for an additional two years. He will retreat from the press, rush through debate and label anyone who dares to oppose him as anti-American.

What should he do? He should face down American pressure and press forward with the NAFTA dispute settlement process.

He should stand up for Canadian producers interests. He should realize that Canada's window of opportunity lies in the upcoming American Mid Term Elections .

There are interests in the United States in support of the NAFTA findings and opposing the Harper-Bush Agreement. Groups like the American Consumers for Affordable Homes and the Manufactured Housing Institute do not support having an estimated $1 000.00 U.S. added to the cost of every home constructed in the United States of America. These groups oppose the representatives of the U.S. Lumber lobby whose support has been purchased with over 500,000,000 dollars taken illegally from Canadian companies.

Tracy Parsons, Leader of the Progressive Canadian (PC) Party reiterated her statement of August 2005 "The current US policy has had dire impacts on Canada, but also has negative consequences for the average American. For instance, a US homebuyer is paying far more than they need to for housing. Our government needs to reach out and get this message out."

Jim Love, President of the PC Party restated the Party's position "The BC Chamber of Commerce has taken the lead in acting to influence American public opinion. The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party urges the Government of Canada to follow their lead. With American mid-term elections the U.S. government will not want to be seen as pandering to special interests at the expense of consumers."

The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive ConservativeParty. For more information on the PC Party, it's policies, structure or general information, go to or call 866-812-6972.

For more information or to request an interview, please contact:

Tracy Parsons, Leader
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel 866-812-6972

Jim Love, President
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (647) 403-5519

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Golden Bib Awards
For those who know what's best for us... from

Best Nanny Government:The Bibbie goes to the Liberal Government of Ontario, for ignoring its own economic experts along with smokers, charities, war veterans, bar owners and anyone else who will bear the brunt of its actions, and rushing through its province-wide anti-smoking ban with only token public hearings. And for also ignoring their own ministry reports which show major negative repercussions from a province-wide smoking ban - possibly up to $500 million a year in gaming revenue losses as well as more than a thousand jobs.

Runner up:The NDP Governments of Saskatchewan and Manitoba and the Conservative Government of New Brunswick for continuing to pretend they know best and that their province-wide bans, have not hurt bars, charities, casinos etc, or divided communities, or left smokers seeking alternatives on First Nations Reserves or staying home in droves.

Best Nanny Individual: The Bibbie goes to Ontario Health Minister George Smitherman, for never reading an anti-smoking lobby claim or study he didn’t like or hearing an anti-smoking argument he didn’t agree with, and for apparently never reading any other studies at all – even his own government’s economic ministry reports, or listening to the opinions of anyone who might contradict his opinions. Mr. Smitherman also gets nominated for officially extending the justification for smoking bans from protection of the general public to trying to punish smokers into quitting.

Runner up:Mr. Smitherman’s Quebec counterpart, Quebec Health Minister Philippe Couillard, for all the same reasons as him, plus the fact that he is on the record as saying smokers have no rights because they are under the influence of a substance.
Best Nanny Municipal: The Bibbie goes to the City of Kingston, Ontario, for banning both indoor and outdoor patio smoking.

Best Nanny Organization:The Bibbie goes to the Ontario Coalition for Action on Tobacco for not being satisfied with winning a provincial law that kicks smokers out of private clubs, Legions, charity bingos, separately enclosed and ventilated DSRs everywhere, covered patios, underground garages and more. Soon after the law was passed they were vowing to get the law amended to ban smoking on patios, nine meters from any doors, in cars, private homes, and more.

Runner up:The World Health Organization for its alarming and offensive new employment policy to no longer recruit smokers. Anyone who says they smoke and would continue to do so if hired, will not be invited to an interview.

Best Foreign Nanny: The Bibbie goes to the State of California because it got the total indoor ban rolling and is trying for the second time to ban smoking in cars, on beaches and anywhere else it can think of.

Runner up:The Michigan health care company Weyco for decreeing that employees who smoke would be fired if they did not quit smoking, and then firing four workers who refused to submit to testing to see if they had been smoking on their own personal time away from the office.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Harper to Hold Free Vote on SSM

I hate that this has been re-opened, but I in a way I'm also glad. It shows that the party is still removed from the socially progressive policy and serves as ammunition in the next election.

We all know PM Harper has been quite socially conservative in the past. It's good to see that he's beginning to show his true colours again.
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