Thursday, June 29, 2006

Support efforts to Save The Trillium
JUNE 28th, 2006
You may have read news reports in the last few days about how Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals have re drawn Ontario's Trillium symbol to more closely resemble the Liberal Party Logo.

We believe this is unacceptable. Ontario's Trillium has become a symbol of hope and opportunity for all of us. It's been used for more than 40 years no matter which political party was in office.

Instead of focusing on running the province, Dalton McGuinty is spending taxpayer's dollars (more than $200 000) and given the work to a Liberal- friendly ad agency to play around with Ontario's symbol. We've heard from many of you who are outraged by this.

So today a new campaign was launched. The site is designed to help engage Ontarians in our campaign to save the Trillium.
We need your help today to further inform the broader public on what Dalton McGuinty is doing to our provincial symbol. Please log on to the site and and help us reach out to more people with our concerns about McGuinty's plans to politicize Ontario's Trillium.

What do others think of this? Are the Liberals politicizing the trillium?


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