Sunday, June 11, 2006

PC PRESS RELEASE: What's the rush?


Toronto, ON-- Only one reason exists for the Government of Canada bullying those concerned about the terms of the Canada-United States Agreement on Softwood Lumber. Prime Minister Harper wants to have it ready to be signed when he meets with President Bush early in July. That strategy has two benefits. The first is that it prevents concerned Canadians from making the case to the Canadian public that this is a bad deal. Mr. Harper does not want Canadians to realize that this new agreement gives us less than we have already won under existing agreements and dispute mechanisms. The second reason for speedy passage is that it keeps this issue out of the U.S. mid-termelections and prevents U.S. consumers from realizing it is a bad deal for them as well – adding as much as $1,000 to the price of a new home.

All prior NAFTA panels have ruled that claims of subsidies are unsubstantiated. Yet this new agreement not only gives up these prior judicial victories, but it also requires a complete surrender of Canadian sovereignty in the area of forestry management. Despite their constitutional rights, Provinces cannot implement any new forestry management practices without permission from Washington, "the anti-circumvention clause". Further, the deal is also predicated on U.S. approval of new and as of yet unspecified practices which will also require U.S. approval. In short, we have won nothing and paid dearly.

Coast Forest Products Association Rick Jeffrey was absolutely correct in stating "We think that it's better for us to go slower and either reconvene Parliament . . . and get a good deal rather than rushing through the agreement and getting a bad deal,"

How will the Prime Minister react should some of the lawsuits launched to protect producers interests are not withdrawn? Presumably he will follow the same strategy that has mired Canadians in Afghanistan for an additional two years. He will retreat from the press, rush through debate and label anyone who dares to oppose him as anti-American.

What should he do? He should face down American pressure and press forward with the NAFTA dispute settlement process.

He should stand up for Canadian producers interests. He should realize that Canada's window of opportunity lies in the upcoming American Mid Term Elections .

There are interests in the United States in support of the NAFTA findings and opposing the Harper-Bush Agreement. Groups like the American Consumers for Affordable Homes and the Manufactured Housing Institute do not support having an estimated $1 000.00 U.S. added to the cost of every home constructed in the United States of America. These groups oppose the representatives of the U.S. Lumber lobby whose support has been purchased with over 500,000,000 dollars taken illegally from Canadian companies.

Tracy Parsons, Leader of the Progressive Canadian (PC) Party reiterated her statement of August 2005 "The current US policy has had dire impacts on Canada, but also has negative consequences for the average American. For instance, a US homebuyer is paying far more than they need to for housing. Our government needs to reach out and get this message out."

Jim Love, President of the PC Party restated the Party's position "The BC Chamber of Commerce has taken the lead in acting to influence American public opinion. The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party urges the Government of Canada to follow their lead. With American mid-term elections the U.S. government will not want to be seen as pandering to special interests at the expense of consumers."

The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive ConservativeParty. For more information on the PC Party, it's policies, structure or general information, go to or call 866-812-6972.

For more information or to request an interview, please contact:

Tracy Parsons, Leader
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel 866-812-6972

Jim Love, President
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (647) 403-5519


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