Harper Snatches "Defeat from the Jaws of Victory" - U.S. Court Rules In Canada's Favour but Canadian Government Ignores The Victory to Proceed With Deal That Punishes Canadian Producers
Toronto, ON - It has been and is the position of the Progressive Canadian Party that the export taxes applied on Canadian softwood lumber (at a rate of 15% at present lumber prices was the July 1st agreement in force now) is illegal. The July 21, 2006 unanimous decision of three judges of the U.S. Court of International Trade (U.S. CIT) held that the United States cannot defeat the judgment of a NAFTA panel and impose duties on Canadian softwood lumber supports this position.
The Harper Government -for whatever its reasons- has stated its intent to ignore this decision and proceed with an agreement that continues Canadian producers being penalized and, adding insult to injury, agrees to give $500 million of the illegally collected $5 billion to those who launched the spurious suits -- the so-called "Coalition for Fair Lumber Imports".
The Conservative Party of Canada was prepared to destroy the protection for Canadian exporters under the North American Free Trade Agreement by circumventing panel findings. Now, it proposes to do so even when the U.S. courts have ruled in our favour.
"These questions must be asked and answered", stated Jim Love, PC Party President "Whose side is this government on? What does 'Steve' owe to 'George' that keeps this Conservative government continuing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? What other than this has led Harper to alter his view of less than a year ago that "If the Canada-U.S trade relationship is to remain a fair, stable, rules-based system, then the United States has a moral obligation to return those duties to Canadian softwood lumber companies." ?
Party Leader Tracy Parsons concluded "It is our profound hope the Parliamentary majority will care enough for the future of Canadian-American trade relationships to ask the questions in the House of Commons and, when there are no satisfactory answers forthcoming, defeat the enabling legislation for the agreement initialled July 1st "
Canadians do not wish another election. But the precedent of the Government of Canada bending to the will of American lobby groups' influence on their government despite NAFTA panel and American Court decisions is just too important to our future to be established without the expressed opinion of the Canadian electorate.
The Prime Minister is threatening an election on this as the issue. The Progressive Canadian Party looks forward to defending the integrity of the terms of the NAFTA the Progressive Conservative Government negotiated against the Conservative Party of Canada's destruction of its Chapter 19's rule-based dispute settlement mechanism.
The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive Conservative Party.
For more information on the PC Party, it's policies, structure or general information, go to http://www.progressivecanadian.org/ or call 866-812-6972.
For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Tracy Parsons, Leader
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (866) 812-6972
Jim Love, President
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (647) 403-5519
Address by the Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P. HALIFAX Wednesday September 7, 2005
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