Friday, July 07, 2006

PRESS RELEASE Too high a price for mending fences.


Toronto, ON - Stephen Harper mental lapse in having forgotten that his position last September on findings of NAFTA dispute panels on soft wood was that "achieving full compliance should be the objective of the Prime Minister." was compounded by his distortion of reality Wednesday night in Washington when he said of the softwood agreement initialled in Geneva July 1st "The legal text represents the original agreement." and that "We expect that to have the same support for it that we had for the original agreement."

As Trade Minister Emerson said "The demands keep coming, the goalposts keep shifting", the last being the demand by the Americans for inclusion of an escape clause reducing the length of the agreement from 7-9 years to 23 months. Not part of the original agreement, despite Harper's words, it is contributing to stronger opposition than existed against the original agreement.

With all three opposition parties raising questions about the agreement as it stands, with plans to reconstitute a parliamentary trade committee, the belief express by the London Free Press "A deal that jeopardizes our softwood industry is a high price to pay for mending fences with the lame-duck Bush administration. Canada must not sacrifice hard-won principles of NAFTA just to be able to say it has restored good relations with the United States." will become ever more widespread .

Harper saying "The softwood lumber deal is going ahead," may well will turn out to have been bravado for the benefit of President Bush. Should this position be maintained that "the deal initialed on Saturday by Canadian Trade Minister David Emerson and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab is final and cannot be revised." and enabling legislation introduced in September, Harper's intransigence may well lead to an election, indeed ought to.

The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive Conservative Party. For more information on the PC Party, it’s policies, structure or general information, go to or call 866-812-6972.


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Tracy Parsons, Leader
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel 866-812-6972

Jim Love, President
Progressive Canadian Party
Tel (647) 403-5519


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