The Liberals love to intrude. Tell you what's good for you, what's bad for you, etc. We now face more intrusion. In Ontario, a new law came into effect May 31, 2006 banning smoking in all public places and workplaces.
This law, pushed by anti-smoking activists, intrudes on personal choice. From a business perspective, many businesses that, up until recently (or perhaps May 31) allowed smoking, did so partly because this was part of their "target market". This smoking ban will negatively effect their business. One can argue that the drop in smoking customers at this business may be offset by the rise in non-smoking customers, but why must we intrude on the choice of the individual or the choice of the business owner?
Many believe that facilites that allowed smoking interfered with the freedom of non-smokers. But this is simply not the case.
If a smoker goes out to a bar and fills it with second-hand smoke, they are in no way interfering with a non-smoker's freedom to go where they want or when they want. They do make it inconvenient or unpleasant for a non-smoker to visit this bar, but that is not in any way the same as infringing on their rights - and besides, it shouldn't be up to either of them (or the government) in a privately owned establishment. With this law a smoker can no longer go to any bar and fill it up with smoke, but the non-smoker is still free to gow where they want, when they want.
We are not talking anymore about ensuring freedoms, we are only talking about ensuring convenience, but only for the side that is perceived as having the higher moral ground.
My final thought is this... let the market cater to non-smokers and smokers, whomever they prefer to target. Not add another level of government intrusion.