Daycare thoughts: Opinion Requested
To truly formulate an appropriate opinion on the daycare debtate, let us first identify the different positions:
To truly formulate an appropriate opinion on the daycare debtate, let us first identify the different positions:
- There is not enough daycare spaces (parents cannot find childcare facilities if they have 2 earners).
- In lower-income families, one parent may be unable to work because the possible wage this parent may earn will not offset the cost of childcare. They are not eligible for any provincial funding for daycare.
- There are many families that choose to have one parent stay-at-home (that is, they can make it by with one income) but they too want to be awarded some benefit (this is where the additional $1200 baby-bonus comes into play).
Does anyone have any ideas how we can address these issues and keep everyone happy?
Have you thought of the implicit income arguement?
Which are you referring to?
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