PRESS RELEASE: Stop Talking About Political Reform and Start Listening For It
Nov. 22, 2006
Toronto, ON -- Progressive Canadian Party president Jim Love issued a statement to the media today attempting to clear up what Love characterized as a "glaring misrepresentation" in both the media and the publications of one of the political parties involved in the London by-election.
"It came out in a conversation we were having with a representative from Fair Vote Canada," said Love, "where it came up that there were so few women in senior roles in political parties. We had to once again point out that there are a lot of very capable women in politics. The problem is, they aren't leading the so-called "big four".
"I thought, how will we ever achieve "proportional representation" if we can't get women's voices heard in proportion to their presence in the political process? When they come forward to lead parties, they are marginalized by the press and even organizations that that purport to support the idea of more diversity in the electoral process."
Love pointed out that there are actually 6 leaders of federally registered parties:
-Liz White, Animal Alliance;
- Sandra Smith, Marxist Leninist;
- Connie Fogal, CAP;
- Barbara Wardlaw, First Peoples;
- Tracy Parsons, Progressive Canadian; and
- Elizabeth May, Green Party
Tracy Parsons, Leader of the Progressive Canadian Party was clear that she was against playing what she termed the "gender card". "But when I see organizations like Equal Voice, where I am a member, listing Elizabeth as the only female federal leader, I felt that Jim was right in taking this to the public’s attention."
Love, himself an avowed feminist, was critical of May for perpetuating the myth. The following is a quote from the Green Party website "Elizabeth is the only female leader of a national political party."
"Ms. May is well aware that she is not the only female leader in this country and I'm more than a bit shocked that she would allow this on her website and repeat it in public". stated Love also referring to a recent event in London where Ms. May referred to herself as the only Federal leader."
Love noted, "I'm certainly not afraid to say that there are 6 female federal Leaders in this country. I may not agree with their politics, but I'm very proud of their courage, and not afraid to talk about them."
Parsons, who noted that she is not looking for support as a "female" stated that she is concerned that this might mislead voters who might be inclined to support "the only" female leader. "Ms. May should be trying to get votes based on her platform, her merit, not by playing the "female" card and not even telling the truth in the process. I'm supporting Steve Hunter in this riding, not because of his gender, but because of his talent and his integrity."
Parsons went on to state, "A lot of people are talking about integrity. How about we start acting with some integrity. Our party has a stated program to encourage diversity from across the spectrum. That’s the type of thing that should be reflected across the entire political system. Equal voice needs equal time."
The Progressive Canadian (PC) Party is a registered Federal Political Party comprised of progressive-conservative minded Canadians rebuilding from the roots of the former Progressive Conservative Party.